South Pole Last Degree Ski Expedition
A Challenging Expedition on the Polar Plateau
The Antarctic plateau can be summed up in three
words: Cold, wind and snow. But don’t mistake the
simplicity of the environment for an easy expedition.
This journey is anything but easy. You can expect
driving winds and extreme temperatures that hover
near minus 40 degrees. Each person will pull his or
her own sled approximately 111 km (60 nautical
miles) to the Geographic South Pole, home of the
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Sleds will weigh
between 30-40 kilos (66-88 pounds) and you’ll be
skiing between 6-10 hours every day. The South Pole
lies at approximately 2,800 m / 9,300 ft. This altitude,
in combination with the cold, dry air, brings an
additional challenge requiring some acclimatization.
Prepare to be challenged and inspired on this
incredible journey to the heart of the White Continent.
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North Pole Last Degree Ski Expedition
Long days, arduous conditions and difficult terrain. Sound like fun? We think so! Our North Pole Last Degree Expedition is our most popular Polar Expedition and an adventure in every sense of the word. Traveling across the dynamic polar pack ice requires patience and agility, not to mention a flexible attitude to deal with the many diversions that pop up over the course of each day. From open water “leads” to huge pressure ridges, there are many obstacles on this expedition that make reaching the North Pole all the more satisfying.
This expedition begins in the remote, yet modern village of Longyearbyen, Norway, well above the Arctic Circle at 78 degrees north. Most team members participate in our Polar Shakedown Training and they arrive feeling well prepared and excited for a great journey. We plan for one day in town to review your equipment, ready our kits and take care of last minute details.
From Longyearbyen we’ll make our way to approximately 89 degrees north latitude via a charter flight and possibly an additional helicopter lift. Depending on conditions and the time of our arrival we’ll either set up camp or strap on our skis and sleds and head off toward our goal – the geographic North Pole. Skiing 7-10 hours a day over the dynamic pack ice, we’ll encounter many challenges and breathtaking scenery. If conditions are good, our route will take us across large pans of flat ice that present few obstacles. When conditions are less than ideal, we’ll have to maneuver around open water “leads” and over pressure ridges that can range from 1-5 meters in height. Families and friends can follow your daily progress and send you messages via our online expedition blogs.
As with all of our expeditions this is a “hands-on” experience. You’ll be participating in all aspects of the expedition, including setting up camp, cooking, tracking our progress, etc. Give us a call (contact us page) and let us tell you more about what skills you should have prior to the expedition, and what skills we will be teaching you prior to our departure. Our Shakedown trip is an ideal way to learn all the skills that are necessary for an expedition of this magnitude.
Tidsplan / program for ekspeditionen:
North Pole Last Degree Ski : Daily Itinerary
Meet in Longyearbyen. Transfer from airport to hotel. Unpack gear and relax. Opportunity to explore Longyearbyen. Welcome reception and dinner.
Final equipment review, warm-up ski near Longyearbyen. Pre-flight briefing and transfer of all kit to the airport for weigh-in and pre loading.
Fly to 89 degrees North latitude, strap on skis and head North!
DAY 4-11
Ski north towards the Pole! Days are spent skiing and taking relatively short breaks. Evenings are spent setting up camp, preparing meals and relaxing with fellow expedition team members.
DAY 12
Arrive at the geographic North Pole! Enjoy a Polar celebration with champagne, photographs, and plenty of photos. Call home and share the moment with friends or family! Camp in the vicinity of the North Pole.
DAY 13
Pick up by charter helicopter and fly back to 89 degrees. Board return flight to Longyearbyen. Hot showers and celebratory dinner!
DAY 14
Breakfast at Longyearbyen lodge. Transport to airport. Flights home!
This itinerary is highly dependent on a number of factors and is subject to change.